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<aside> 🗣 TL;DR: As described, working with you this summer would be an awesome opportunity to create with one of the most purposefully intentional minds I've met in product/startups. The combination of mentorship/coaching and operational experience would help me gain clarity and community as I kick off my own career, and will enable you to be more highly leveraged with your time!


Interview Notes/Prep

Cover Image: A photo I took near Penn Station while rushing to catch a train home. A small (~10 image) portfolio of my NYC photography lives here.

![Me enjoying some dim sum in Seattle this summer.

If you want someone who can hit the ground running to build cool stuff with and have great conversations with regarding common passions, I'm your guy.](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d692696b-1bab-44ba-a46d-e281943d9676/DSC_6316_copy.jpg)

Me enjoying some dim sum in Seattle this summer.

If you want someone who can hit the ground running to build cool stuff with and have great conversations with regarding common passions, I'm your guy.

Executive Overview (subjective)

Hiring Points- why Rishi?

My goals:

Experience Overview (evidence-based)


Giving back has been a huge part of my senior year, and I understand and appreciate the value and dynamics of mentorship from both sides.


I've developed a numbness to failure and an unremitting ambition that removes obstacles to unique opportunities. I'm comfortable being uncomfortable— a tiny superpower.

Product/Eng Experience

Working with engineers basically every day for four years has cultivated a balance between being conversant about highly technical concepts, dreaming big, and knowing what's feasible.

Interest by defined responsibilities

Sourcing investments

I thrive on hearing founders' visions and learning from the best and brightest. My innate curiosity has compelled me to maintain an active list of early-stage companies I'm following and I keep a folder of new apps that I'm trying on my phone (Cue and twine are two I'm looking at now!) I love the thoughtful nature of conversations on The Product Roundup and am excited to go digging in the far reaches of the Internet to find the best opportunities in New York and beyond.

Conducting Diligence

I'm a firm believer of the notion that the answers to most questions are never more than a smart Google search, a Twitter DM, or a pesky paywall away. Though I'm not an econ major, I have some familiarity with the financial analysis required to validate investment decisions and am confident I can learn much more very quickly. My penchant for going the extra mile to do research and get opinions from the right people to make the best decision has underlay much of the luck+success that has gotten me this far— excited to continue taking it forward doing diligence.

Building community

Incredibly excited for this part of the role. I've built communities from the ground up starting in high school (around entrepreneurship/engineering in HS, and around Notion and PM at Duke), and have internalized lots of lessons, especially around creating inclusive spaces that allow each individual to thrive. Building and collaborating in groups with shared purpose is incredibly fulfilling to me. To work to build that within your circles is a ripe opportunity for me to both engage with and learn from brilliant minds— I'd love to take on the challenge of lifestory.club or startup post-mortems.

Creating thoughtful content

While this is the area that I have least demonstrable experience in (writing publicly), I've honed the craft of targeted communication in lots of other ways, not the least of which is this document. Strong empathy and clear goal-setting allow me to be thoughtful, thorough, and effective in communicating, especially in cold-outreach settings and when working with teammates.

Thank you so much for reading!

If you liked this 3 minute summary, you can get the 30 minute summary here: <phone-redacted>
